Sunday, February 12, 2012

Random Musings From a Lazy Weekend

If I had a mini-fridge in my bedroom I would probably not leave my third floor sanctuary (aka my bedroom/bathroom) on my weekends off. And I have a spare walk-in closet that could house/hide one.

Kindle is the best invention ever. Period. 

It bums me out that authors never use the name "Julie" for the main character of a novel.  They might use it as the name of the hero's dead wife/fiance, but never for the main character.

If I could make a living reading chick lit (smut, bodice-rippers.... whatever you want to call them) I would kiss vet med goodbye.

If I were not a large animal vet, I would not need to rent an entire three-story townhouse in order to have access to a parking spot near outdoor electrical outlet (for the truck). I could rent a nice apartment for a much more reasonable price.  And I wouldn't wake up two flights of stairs away from the kitchen, so I wouldn't desire a mini-fridge for my bedroom.

Apparently I think in a circular fashion. Bummer.  I don't  like circles.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite books growing up:

    Another book I have recently enjoyed:

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head :)
    Keep up the good work/blogging. I always wanted more Herriot to read!
